About Ludy

Chicago Reliv Independent Distributor-Ludy Furlong

My name is Ludy Furlong.  I grew up surrounded by family  and friends who were entrepreneurs. I never thought I could be one until I was introduced to a company called Reliv International.

I taught school right after college and proceeded to take advance courses in education.At the same time, I always was intrigued by the possibility of being my own  boss…owning my own business.

The right time for me came when my husband and I were facing  private high school tuition for 3 teenage children and the looming worry of paying for their college education soon after that.

I had always dreamed of having unlimited income potential in my work.  I believed that I could have what I had wished for as Long as I was willing to put the effort.  That reality came sooner than expected when I was introduced to the concept of network marketing…specifically a company from St. Louis, MO called Reliv International.

My earning a couple of million dollars as an independent Reliv distributor came as a result of a couple of concepts: being very teachable…persistent and  most especially motivated inspite of hurdles and obstacles. I focused on my GOALS daily. I didn’t let the disappointments affect my determination to succeed.

It is not by accident that you found my website. I love helping people like you to dream big…to know that what prevents you/me from our dreams is mostly fear. Fear of failing…fear that our family and friends will say we’re crazy…Fear of NOT KNOWING the WHAT IF”S and the MAYBE’s.

I invite you to have a conversation with me. I am excited to share possibilities with people like you who are looking for something more than what’s ordinary and expected.

I invite you to  be EXTRAORDINARY!

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